Adam has been at OCS for 3 1/2 weeks now. I still haven't been able to talk to him on the phone. Only letters. He says that OCS has been a lot harder then Basic was. He says that there is a lot of stress put on them and that there is no second chances. If you fail a challenge you are sent home the next day. He also said that they are running on about 2-5 hours of sleep each night and that his knee is killing him, which adds to the stress. His letters are pretty depressing, but he is doing amazing on all the tasks.
He passed Phase 1 which was mainly land navigation. Now he is on to phase 2. He said that this phase is 8 hours a day of lecture along with all their physical tests.
I did get a phone call the other night from one of his friends at OCS who did end up getting sent home. He told me that Adam was doing an amazing job and was making all the other candidates look bad. He said it was as if Adam was born for this stuff. He told me how great of a guy he thought Adam was and how helpful Adam was to everyone. He told me so many great things about Adam's character that I already knew, but it was great to hear others were noticing it to. He's a really great guy.
We really miss Adam but I'm really grateful that he's there and sticking this out so we can move on to the next phase. Please keep him in your prayers and pray that he will be able to fight through whatever pain his knee is giving him. He loves letters so if you have time to write him, please do. His address is:
2nd BN 200th Regiment (OCS)
B Co, 2 PLT 4 Squad
OC D'Agostini, Adam
P.O. Box 5280
Fort McClellan, AL 36205