Thursday, October 29, 2009


I usually have great shopping trips, but trips like today make me smile for awhile. My original total was $130.96. After the store's sale and my huge stack of coupons, I got all of this stuff for $25.24. I noted some of the highlights of the trip on the picture.


joylyn said...
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D'Agostini Family said...

I actually do use most of the stuff I buy with coupons, but I probably wouldn't buy them again or in the first place, unless I could get it for a rediculously cheap price. But the cookies and the crackers always come in handy when we have guests or road trips. Things like the cough drops will take a long time for us to go through that many; so I stick some in our emergency kit and some in food storage and then I will give away or donate the rest. I got a lot of free children's medicine the other day at Rite Aid and when I got home saw that you can't give it to children under 4, stuff like that I will donate.

Alicia Sink said...

Wow Amber. You are my inspiration!! I wish I could shop like that.

Klaudia said...

It is amazing how much you can get for so little. I need to get into the habit of using coupons.